Child Themes for WordPress

Child Themes for WordPress

What are Child Themes for WordPress? A child theme uses the power of WordPress to create a unique style for your website and at the same time you will be able to automatically update the site when required without losing those style changes.

If you have a theme that you want to modify it is as simple as creating a child theme and then make any modifications to that theme. It does not matter whether it is a free theme or a Premium theme. Storing the style changes in the child theme means that any updates to the Parent theme will not override your style changes.

In addition this will keep your theme safe from any known security threats, you will be able to use the one click update feature that WordPress is famous for. Once a potential issue has been identified, themes are updated and a message is sent to your website alerting you to the update. Websites using a Child Themes for WordPress based on a paid theme will have to take a couple of additional steps to update because their themes are not in the WordPress repository. You will still receive a notice of the update and then you will need to download a new copy of the theme and upload that version to your site.

If your website requires extra functionality beyond the original theme, then you will want to create Child Themes for WordPress to allow for a second functions file to hold your changes. This is useful when you want to make changes to header and footer files or to add extra widgets areas. There are many other options available to customize your theme such as sidebars and custom Page templates.

Creating Child Themes for WordPress is part of the core philosophy of building Social Proprietor websites. Clients should always feel secure in the knowledge that their sites are up to date and that the ease of use that is part of the core of WordPress remains intact.

Terry Heenan

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